znači da mi za vas pripremamo APSOLUTNO SVE i predajemo gotovu platformu u ruke.  Vaš dio posla je pripremiti samo:

  • Photos of products that you give as a prize or a link to the Internet where they can be downloaded
  • A brief description of these products
  • Conditions for receiving a prize (with our help and explanations)

Mi obezbjeđujemo kompletnu potpuno funkcionalnu digitalnu platformu vjernosti kupaca sistemom „ključ u ruke“, jednojezična varijanta, sa mogućnošću neograničenog broja jezika:

  1. Main screen design
  2. Digital loyalty card design
  3. Design and preparation of a QR code (with optional colors and logo in the middle) that store customers scan to receive a digital loyalty card, in various variants: as an ordinary printed QR code that stands on the table for guests to scan, or next to the store's cash register and it is distributed to clients (customers), and/or on the website, then as an A4/A5 format flayer that stands on, for example, a shop window, etc...
  4. Registracija osoblja ovlaštenog za rad
  5. Obuku osoblja

Pri samom radu nije vam potrebno nikakvo dodatno osoblje jer mi za vas radimo:

  1. Jednomjesečne, a po dogovoru češće, statističke izvještaje
  2. Dodavanja novih  nagrada
  3. Izmjenu liste postojećih nagrada.
  4. Izmjenu pravila rada
  5. Notifikacije korisnicima o akcijama, sniženjima, novim nagradama, novim pogodnostima kao npr. dupli bodovi itd…
  6. Slanje periodičnih email marketing poruka.
  7. Platform maintenance